




Pepe Gimeno has built a distinguished professional career, contributing to graphic design, typography, and fine arts. His work has earned him various accolades, including the TDC Typeface Design Award in 2001 for his typeface FFPepe. Additionally, he has been honored five times with the TDC Communication Design Award from the Type Directors Club of New York. Furthermore, he holds three certificates from the ISTD of the United Kingdom and has received the Graphis Poster Golden and Platinum Awards, among other recognitions. 

In 2001, he won the restricted competition for the branding of the 2002 Spanish Presidency of the European Union.

Since 2002, he has been creating formal proposals using waste materials and has showcased them in various exhibitions. Notable displays include those at the IVAM in Valencia in 2004, the TDC in New York, the Instituto Cervantes in Chicago, and the CCE in Miami in 2015/16.
In 2022, his project A través de la Posverdad was exhibited at the Fundación Chirivella Soriano, followed by Diálogos Arte/Diseño (Art/Design Dialogues) at the Fundación Bancaja in Valencia in 2023. That same year, Gràffica magazine published a monographic book covering his fifty-year career as both a graphic designer and visual artist.

In 2020, he received the National Design Award from the Ministry of Science and Technology.


Pepe Gimeno · Valencia 1951

He graduates from the Valencia School of Applied Arts and Crafts.
His artistic activity is featured in various exhibitions and receives numerous awards. He presents the series Pensant en la dona (Thinking of Women) and El pintor y la pintura (The Painter and the Painting) and in 1978, he receives the Antonio del Rincón National Drawing Award.
Exhibition of Grafía Callada at the Valencian Institute of Modern Art, IVAM. An experimental graphic project that aims to separate content and form. A book that delves into the realm of writing and signs, yet paradoxically, contains no actual words.
epe Gimeno, invited by the Centre Georges Pompidou and the Vitra Design Museum Foundation, holds the workshop Safari Residual (Waste Material Safari) at Le Domaine de Boisbuchet in France. Organized by the Institut d'Innovació Empresarial de les Illes Balears, Grafía Callada travels to Palma de Mallorca and is exhibited in the Ses Voltes hall of the Palma City Council.
Presentation of his experimental graphic project Diario de un Náufrago at the Ciclorama gallery in Valencia.
Development of the piece Movimientos de espera (Waiting Movements), a multisensory artwork presenting the artistic experience through three of our senses: sight, hearing, and smell. Organized by the city council of Gandía, he presents the exhibition Tres Momentos (Three Moments) at the Coll Alas hall. Diario de un Náufrago is exhibited at the DiLab gallery in Urueña, Valladolid.
Participation in the exhibition Trozos, tramas, trazos (Pieces, Patterns, Lines) at IVAM, together with artists such as Max Ernst, Rauschenberg, Tàpies, Richard Hamilton, and Marcel Duchamp. Invited by the Acadèmia de Belles Arts de Sabadell, he presents the exhibition Signos y significados (Signs and Meanings).
The leading textile show in the world, Première Vision, held in New York, Paris, and Brussels, selects works from Grafía Callada and ...en 59 Fragmentos (… in 59 Fragments) as inspiration for the fall/winter 2015-2016 and spring/summer 2017 seasons.
Presentation of the exhibition ...en 59 Fragmentos at the Palau de la Música in Valencia. The exhibition Grafía Callada begins touring the U.S. at the Type Directors Club in New York. He is invited by the Universidad Internacional Menéndez Pelayo (UIMP) to give a masterclass on the expressiveness of waste material at the Palacio de la Magdalena in Santander. Invited by the city council of La Nucía, he organizes an exhibition and gives a masterclass at the Ecoparque La Nucía.
The Grafía Callada exhibition continues touring the U.S. First, it is exhibited at the Instituto Cervantes in Chicago and later at the CCE in Miami. In collaboration with Sonia Megías, director of the CoroDelantal, and based on a piece of Grafía Callada, he creates a three-voice video score.
Presentation of the exhibition Al hilo del pensamiento (The Thread of Thought) at Mr. Pink Gallery in Valencia. In summer, at the E CA, Espai d'Art Contemporani El Castell in Riba-roja (Valencia), he exhibits No solo mires. Escucha (Don’t just look. Listen) He receives the Gràffica 2017 award. The jury decides to award him the prize for the plasticity of his work while maintaining its functional value. Also, this year, he receives the ADCV Award (Association of Designers of the Valencian Community) for his professional career.
The Ministry of Science and Technology awards him the National Design Award.
Invitation to present his exhibition Gráfica creciente (Growing Graphics) at La imprenta Municipal-Artes del Libro in Madrid as part of the Madrid Gráfica event. Again, together with Sonia Megías and Carlos Cueto, he creates the graphic-musical piece Metatrón, which premieres at the official presentation of Valencia as World Design Capital.
He exhibits A través de la Posverdad at the Fundación Chirivella Soriano in Valencia, within the framework of actions of Valencia World Design Capital.
He presents the Diálogos Arte/Diseño exhibition at the Bancaja Foundation in Valencia in which he showcases his duality as a visual artist and graphic designer. Furthermore, he reflects on the mutual influences of both activities, their common points, and divergences.